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Small Groups
Addiction Recovery
Spiritual Gifts Discovery
Creative Worship Expression
Financial Recovery 101
Financial Stewardship
Financial Planning

Family Fellowship Ministries

Welcome the ministries section of our site. Below is a list of ministries being offered at Family Fellowship. Some are "standing" groups which mean they are always open for enrollment. Others are "Termed" classes/ministries in which there is a finite time in which each group meets and availability maybe depend on interest. Each class will be marked as to which they are. Classes will also mention a "Geared for:" notation that describes who (members, regular attendees, and/or community) might be most interested in each particular class. Feel free to browse through the list by scrolling down or use the jump menu to navigate to a group highlight directly.

If you see a class or group you'd like to have more information on or might like to join, just click the Plug-In to FFCN button.


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Small Groups @ FFCN

Mission of Ministry/Class: To provide a kitchen table environment to people of similar life situations allowing them to grow together spiritually developing bonds of friendship and accountability.

Taught/Lead by: Varies by group

Key Features: Although varying from group to group key features of all groups include an open and caring environment in which you can be yourself, learning from others around you as you have an opportunity to question and discuss God's Word in a manner that facilitates your needs.

Term:Varies by group

Geared for: Open to the community, attendees and members.

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Mission of Ministry/Class: To give the history of the Church of the Nazarene and the mission of the local church body. Not to create members but instead create informed individuals who can choose if being Nazarene would be right for them.

Taught/Lead by: Pastoral Staff

Key Features: Insight into "What is a Nazarene?" Discussion of our Articles of Faith and core beliefs, and dialogue about the requirements and privileges for you as a member of the worldwide and local church body.

Term: 4-6 weeks, one session per week.

Geared for: Open to regular attendees.

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Addiction Recovery

Mission of Ministry/Class: To assist those interested in breaking the bondage of addictions and provide spiritual guidance and positive affirmation.

Taught/Lead by: Kelli Simmons

Key Features: Christian 12 step program, interactive classes, and networking.

Term: 3-4 weeks, one session per week.

Geared for: Members and regular attendees.

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Spiritual Gifts Discovery

Mission of Ministry/Class: To engage God's people in ministry that will effectively fulfill this great commission by discovering your personal spiritual gifts - moving members into ministry.

Taught/Lead by: Pastoral Staff/Lead Team

Key Features: in depth spiritual gifts and talents evaluation.

Term: 3-4 weeks, one session per week.

Geared for: Members and regular attendees.

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Creative Worship Expression

Mission of Ministry/Class: To seek new/rediscovered mediums of effectively conveying the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To grow together as a team and individually spiritually. To use these mediums to work together with the vision casting team to be a vital part of the overall worship experience at FFCN.

Taught/Lead by: Lead Team Member

Key Features: Group collaborative atmosphere, use of modern theatrical, musical, and film practices to create regular service videos and creative specials.

Term:Standing, seasons to run yearly with several off duty periods throughout the year.

Geared for: regular attendees. and members.

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Financial Recovery 101

Mission of Ministry/Class: To help people get a handle on spending habits and begin a movement to financial freedom from debt.

Taught/Lead by: Financial Specialist Lead Team Member

Key Features: Affirmation and networking among peers to plan, develop, and implement a budget to get you back on track financially.

Term: 6-10 weeks, one session per week.

Geared for: Open to the community, regular attendees. and members.

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Financial Class II (Stewardship)

Mission of Ministry/Class: To understand and develop sound Biblical principles of stewardship.

Taught/Lead by: Financial Specialist Lead Team Member

Key Features: Developing an understanding of what God's Word says about stewardship and how individuals can personally apply these principles.

Term: 6-10 weeks, one session per week.

Geared for: Anyone who has completed Financial Recovery 101.

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Financial Class III (Planning)

Mission of Ministry/Class: To help those interested in financial planning for the future, whether for your retirement or for future generations.

Taught/Lead by: Financial Specialist Lead Team Member with Field Specialist guest speakers.

Key Features: Learn the difference between investment and retirement savings options. Learn what's needed to create trusts, living trusts and/or wills of estate.

Term: 4-6 weeks, one session per week.

Geared for:Anyone who has completed Financial Recovery 101 & Class II

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